miércoles, 17 de octubre de 2012
lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012
Tommy Torres - Mientras Tanto [con la participación de Ricardo Arjona] (...
If you speak Spanish:
Esta es una de las mejores coanciones qu he escuchado en mucho tiempo. Su sencillez la hace especial, pero la letra y el mensaje que con ella se transmite la hace única. No hay que usar mucha palabrería para llevar un mensaje importante.
If you don't, I encourage you to look up the lyrics online and translate them.
miércoles, 25 de julio de 2012
Destiny's Child - Bootylicious
I love this song. There is something about it that just makes me want to dance! The video is totally fun. It also reminds me of the good od days of TRL on MTV and the best pop music ever!
viernes, 6 de julio de 2012
miércoles, 20 de junio de 2012
El Blogiante: "Al Boricua le gusta la M..."
El Blogiante: "Al Boricua le gusta la M...": Hace unos dias recordaba un video que tiro el molusco hace tiempo que decía “ Al boricua le gusta la mierda” su video no hablaba en ...
martes, 28 de febrero de 2012
A Beautiful Sunset
Because sometimes, great entertainment is free. The other day I was strolling along the beach, and couldn't help myself; I had to take some pictures. I thought I should share with the world. These Pictures were taken in Puerto Rico. Enjoy!
I almost forgot to mention, except for two of them, all of these pictures were taken with my phone, an iPhone 4S. The other two were taken with a BlackBerry Torch. :D
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This one was taken with a Blackberry by my brother. |
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From under the bridge. |
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Another one from under the bridge |
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I love how the sky looks in this picture. There are a lot more, and some of the best ones after the jump!! |
Song of the day: Rainbow Connection
I find this to be a very beautiful song. It has been stuck in my mind for a few days. So, without further a due, I leave you with Rainbow Connection by none other than Kermit The Frog :)
This song is a true classic. There are a few cover out there, some of which you will be able to see after the jump. This song is for "the lover, the dreamers, and me".
Reblog: CosmoCookie: Strawberry Lemonade Bars
CosmoCookie: Strawberry Lemonade Bars: These little pink beauties are all that their name promises. Some how the proportions of this recipe are just so that the bars don't just ta...
Take a look. I haven't made them yet, but they sure do look tempting and delicious!!
This is a post for another blog!
Take a look. I haven't made them yet, but they sure do look tempting and delicious!!
This is a post for another blog!
domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012
So, more music for you guys, Tongue Tied by GROUPLOVE [official video]
Yes, I'm in a musical kind of mood. Since it's a long weekend and procrastination is the queen of my life, I'm watching videos and listening to music and sharing with you. This one goes out to you guys, it's kind of a fun son and you may recognize it from some of Apple's iPod Nano's commercials. I like it a lot. and sometims commercials lead you to good music. This is Tongue Tied by Groulove. Hope you enjoy!
Why am i listening to this for the first time now? The Wanted - Warzone
I'm really enjoying their music a lot recently. was looking at some videos on youtube and I stumbled upon this one. I really like the song. For those going through a rough time with a particular person. I think I need to help spread the word around for these guys. So, you get a song of the weekend, which I posted earlier (Spice Up Your Life by he Spice Girls), and a song of the day. This one. Remember, music IS therapy and it heals, along with time. So, I leave you to it, here you have The Wanted's Warzone. Enjoy!
I have to write for school, instead , I'm here
Hi! I have two big papers to write his semester. Those are like term papers. Well, one of them I have figured out almost completely. Just need to do a little more research and then just sit and write. The other one... well, I don't know what topic to choose. It has to be Copyrights related. Any ideas? SOPA, PIPA and ACTA are discarded, probably half of my class will write about these topics. I have 9 days to pic a topic, figure out what I'm gonna do with it and start my research. FML...
So... going back to Spice
I heard this song in a TV show, I think it was VH1's 100 Great Women In Music or something laike that, and now it's stuck.
It's Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls. This is your song for the weekend, enjoy!!
It's Spice Up Your Life by the Spice Girls. This is your song for the weekend, enjoy!!
domingo, 12 de febrero de 2012
In Memoriam: Whitney Houston
Yesterday, Whitney Houston passed away. She was 48 years old. The World lost a great voice with a troubled life. She was found in the bathtub of her hotel room by her stylists and later on her bodyguards. She was about to get ready to attend Clive Davis' pre Grammy party. He was the man who discovered her. Minutes before she was pronounced dead, she spoke on the phone with her mother and hours before with her cousin. Autopsy is scheduled for today in order to discover cause of death. Several prescription bottles were found in her hotel room, but nothing is conclusive until autopsy reports are out. Her 19 year old daughter was denied access to the body on the hotel room by the police and was rushed to the hospital on a stretcher this afternoon. May our thoughts and prayers be with her family on this hardest of times.
People, remember drugs are never the answer or solution to our problems; on the contrary, they make them worse and multiply them. So, try to stay off them.
Also, instead of being sombre and dark about this, lets take a chance to raise awareness of drug use (not that this was the cause of death, but it was a reoccurring problem for her and it certainly affected her carrier)and how it is not the answer. I cannot stress that enough.
Instead of wallowing in sadness and despair, let us celebrate her life, talent and wonderful contributions to music.
In Memoriam Whitney Houston
The video above is a clip from the end of the movie The Bodyguard. in this scene, I Will Always Love You is presented to the word. This was, without a doubt, her most recognized and popular song. She is, because of this song, forever inscribed in music history and in breakup playlists around the world.
You can see more videos, including her last performance, after the jump.
People, remember drugs are never the answer or solution to our problems; on the contrary, they make them worse and multiply them. So, try to stay off them.
Also, instead of being sombre and dark about this, lets take a chance to raise awareness of drug use (not that this was the cause of death, but it was a reoccurring problem for her and it certainly affected her carrier)and how it is not the answer. I cannot stress that enough.
Instead of wallowing in sadness and despair, let us celebrate her life, talent and wonderful contributions to music.
In Memoriam Whitney Houston
You can see more videos, including her last performance, after the jump.
lunes, 30 de enero de 2012
New music! Fun.: Carry On (Audio)
I just listened to this song and decided I HAD to share it with you guys. It is a great song, music wise and lyric wise. It carries a positive message that many of us do need to hear every once in a while for different reasons. So, this is me throwing out some positive vibes out into the world (we all know it is in desperate need of good things). It is called Carry On and is performed by Fun. Hope you guys enjoy!
What does it depend on?
I have said many times that you should not let your happiness depend on one person. I have also acknowledged that it is a hard thing to acomplish, since exterior factors inevitably affect our mood. But affecting does no mean determining. I have always said that your mood depends solely on the way you react to things and the way you face chalenges that are presented to you.
I have found myself in a great mood these days. And I could say that it´s because good things are happening to me. And indeed they are, but also I have some bad things lurking my way. But I have decided that the good things are more important and that the bad ones will eventually sort themselves out. I have found that establishing a more personal relationship with God has filled me with peace. And I know that not all people believe in God, but most people believe in something greater than themselves or an equivalent. For us, human beings, feeling connected is a very important and fundamental factor for our emotional well being. That connection that we have a yearning for is what drives us all to have a Facebook account, or Twitter, blogger, tmblr or any other site, a telephone or cell phone, etc... It has been long provén that a group of peers is essential to our emotional well being and stability.
So, since external factors do inevitably alter our mood, it´s importan to learn to dela with things and control the way our internal being deals with them. Do not be dependant on any one thing, person or group. I am a firm believer in this. Things, people and groups are ephimerous, nothing ever lasts forever, nothingñ for a long time? yeah, for a lifetime? Maybe, but not forever. Nobody is ever going to be happy all the time. Because shit happens. But when you step on shit, you just keep walking, go over to the grass and clean it off. Shit happens, but don´t let it define you.
SO, what does it all depend on? What does happiness depend on? Well, this is where what I´m always saying comes in. How you feel depends on you. How and what you feel depends on the way you deal with things and the way you react towards things. So it depends on you.
viernes, 27 de enero de 2012
Song of The Weekend--The Naked And Famous - Young Blood
This is your song of the weekend. It is called Young Blood and its performed by The Naked And Famous. It has quite a nice feeling to it. I can picture myself listening t it while driving on a convertible with a group of friends, with the top down along the shore of a beach at the time of sunrise or sunset. Can you picture it? Anyways, enjoy!
sábado, 21 de enero de 2012
New Music--Gym Class Heroes: Ass Back Home ft. Neon Hitch [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
So, every once in a while I stumble upon some new music that I like and would like to help spread around and become more popular (it's a totally selfish endeavor, I do this in order to be able to listen to it more on the radio, as in radio stations). So here it it, Gym Class Heroes ft. Neon Hitch 's Ass Back Home.
Some LOL -Yelle: À Cause Des Garçons by SNL
This is an SNL Skit from the episode where Emma Stone hosted. I find it very weird, funny (in a weird way) and mesmerizing. THe song playing is the original song used in the skit and is A Cause Des Garcons by Yelle. Enjoy!
A long GIF--Emma Stone Dancing (for 10 minutes)
I was watching Saturday Night Live tonight and it was a rerun from when Emma Stone hosted. THis video is part of a Skit that I will post later. I found this video hypnotizing. It's like a long GIF. I thought I should share!
By thee way, the song you hear is Yelle's A Cause Des Gracons.
By thee way, the song you hear is Yelle's A Cause Des Gracons.
And a little laugh with a jab to the heart
This is a skit from Saturday Night Live when Emma Stone hosted... this one, you see, is funny because its true. Please, do watch, listen, think, analyze and cry hysterically!
A quote
A while back I read a quote in a fan page on Facebook. Since then it has been on my mind and I've been thinking an out it frequently. I don't know who said it, if any one of you knows please tell me. The quote said:
We don't remember days, we remember momentsis it true or is it true? What do you guys think about it?
Song of The weekend- We Aré Young bn Fun.
This is a great song by Fun. It is called We Are Young. I first listened to it a while back on an episode of Glee. And yes, as i have stated several times, I am a geek. So, since I'm writing from my iPad and can't post videos directly, I'll post the link. I'll try to edit and post the video later.
It has been stuck in my head for half of the last week. Enjoy!
miércoles, 18 de enero de 2012
Dog days are over- Song Of The Day
Today's song of the day is Florence And The Machine's Dog Days Are Over. Great great song. I hope you enjoy!!
El Blogiante: Balas Perdidas? Valores también.
El Blogiante: Balas Perdidas? Valores también.: Este no se supone que fuera el primer blog del 2012,pero hoy me conecte y lo primero que veo es esto. A esa parece que le apesta e...
I told you I was back! Have you guys read, seen or hear anything about the SOPA ad PIPA acts? Turns out the are acts written by Congress and the Legislature in order to try to protect copyright owners from piracy. But in their efforts they are answering to the interests of a few executives who are pushing to keep their billionaire statuses. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stop piracy, it is a crime. But there are more effective and less restrictive ays to do it than what is proposed in these bills. Hey, it's the first time so many sites on the internet have gone political and joined forces to protest against something.
What do you think abut the matter?
I leave you some links to articles and the bills, so if you don't know anything about the subject, you can get informed It's your rights they are messing with.
The last one takes you to the bill. Hope to read your opinions, you can e-mail them or leave them in the comments box.
I told you I was back! Have you guys read, seen or hear anything about the SOPA ad PIPA acts? Turns out the are acts written by Congress and the Legislature in order to try to protect copyright owners from piracy. But in their efforts they are answering to the interests of a few executives who are pushing to keep their billionaire statuses. There is nothing wrong with wanting to stop piracy, it is a crime. But there are more effective and less restrictive ays to do it than what is proposed in these bills. Hey, it's the first time so many sites on the internet have gone political and joined forces to protest against something.
What do you think abut the matter?
I leave you some links to articles and the bills, so if you don't know anything about the subject, you can get informed It's your rights they are messing with.
The last one takes you to the bill. Hope to read your opinions, you can e-mail them or leave them in the comments box.
Back from my Christmas break
Hi! I know it's been quite a while since my last log in and my last post. At least I reposted That delicious Nutella recipe! I decided to take a break during Christmas break. Yes, that is a long Christmas break, but keep in mind it's a Puertorrican Christmas break, and that we have the longest Christmas in the world. So I'm back and I'll keep you posted!
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