Have you noticed the way the media loves to pin women against women? How the seems to always be a feud between female singers or actresses on the top stories for a day? Does anyone else find that annoying, and even more so infuriating?
People, that is, EVERYONE, should come to realize that one person's success does not diminish one's own success. At any point in Hollywood history there always are more female feuds being reported than male ones. This has to stop. People need to stop buying into the wheel that keeps turning and turning, churning out stories (lots of times, fake ones) about which woman said or did what about or to whatever other woman. It's exhausting, you now?
Historically (or at least as far as I've read about) women in the media have always been pinned against each other. It's not at all uncommon to, any random day, read a Hollywood article about two women (may they be singers, actresses, etc) feuding with each other (Britney Spears v. Christina Aguilera any one?); when push comes to shove, those aren't even true. Other times, the women themselves buy into the whole thing and play it out, to gain ratings, sales, to be in the public eye. I'd more rather be in the news because my movie was great, because my song is 'bomb' or because I did a positive thing than because another woman (or person) said something about me, or because someone caught a picture at a bad angle and made it see like I was making faces at this other person. That's being famous for nothing. And in so many instances, most of them (as far as I've experiences) this is done to women. We live in a world in which Drake, Kanye, Kenny G, Taylor Hanson, Harry Styles, Justin Bieber, Diplo and Ed Sheeran can all coexist peacefully, do or say as they please and no one dissects and nitpicks too much to see if they meant to attack each other, they are free to collaborate and socialize as they please without being studied for what they mean, and who their alliances side with. Mean while (and common, you should've know this was coming) God forbid Taylor Swift, Katy Perry, Kim Kardashian, Demi Lovato, Gigi Hadid, Hillary Clinton or Selena Gomez do or say anything, because anything and everything is considered an attack on one of the other ones until proven other wise. And, yes, it's an effective tool to be in the public eye, to gain notoriety, but it's not a solid base on which to form a career. We are guilty of buying into it from time to time.

But I believe this is not one of those things we can take and re-appropriate and make our own, you know, cause being unstable, and problematic is never quite a good thing. And I'm not naive enough to think that every woman will always get along, just like every man doesn't, but that's exactly the thing, when it does happen, it happens to both men and women. To stop the media from doing it, we as consumers have to stop consuming this type of "news". Because if they keep doing it is because it keeps selling.

We've been sold on the idea that women feuding agains each other is entertaining. So much so, that their followers take on these feuds personally and make them their own; and people fight against each other for some other persons' alleged feud. I mean, come on! There are so many other important issues that merit our attention, time and energy. And here is where I come to my point, this has been done in a way in which it keeps women down. By keeping women fighting against women, they (the big unknown all planning THEY) have made women, as a whole, weak. Divided we fall, divide and conquer. It's a strategy as old as time. If women are fighting each other, there is no way in which they can come together and fight with and for each other, fight against the thing that is keeping women down. And this goes out to all non white male groups out there. THIS is what keeps injustice and inequality going on strong. They marginalize, separate, dived and weaken other groups, as to not have to share the top with them. People have to realize that the top is not a tip. There is room for more than one person, more than one group at the top. It's like that whole ordeal with the door in Titanic (the motion picture).

These petty feuds and fights are nothing but what magicians call misdirection (any magicians out there that can confirm or deny this, please contact me). While we are focused on and occupied with one minuscule, unimportant, insignificant, maybe even un-existing feud between people we don't even know, bigger more important things happen elsewhere, sometimes, right in our faces.
And when we realize what has happened, it's probably too late; and then magically another "feud" pops up. We have to do like Daenerys has set out to do in Westeros, and break the wheel of power. It's not about one group being in power or being superior to any other group, it's about all groups being treated equally. We have to open our eyes, get our shit together and reclaim our time.
Once we do this, then and only then can we truly eradicate marginalization, discrimination and inequality. It is by not buying into what they tell us we are and being what we really are that we too can be on top.