martes, 27 de septiembre de 2011

Bruno Mars - It Will Rain [New Music]

Tis is his new song. It will appear on The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 1's (wow, that is a long name) soundtrack. Enjoy!!

sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2011

Cee Lo Green - FUCK YOU (Official Video)

I leave you here this little jewel of a song. Cause I know for a fact that each and everyone of us has someone to whom we would LOVE to say this to!!

jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2011

Little Big Town - Shut Up Train

Country On My Mind

Quote of the day

"Dentro de la propia contradicción está la solucion que andábamos buscando...Qué es eso que te condiciona pero que tanto adoras? QUE ES ESO QUE ADORAS, PERO QUE TANTO REPRIMES? Qué es eso que reprimes pero que te libera? Qué es eso que te libera, pero te condena? Qué es eso que te condena, pero amas? QUE ES ESO QUE AMAS, PERO QUE RECHAZAS?"-Gordos

What this means is:
"Inside the contradiction itself lies the solution that we have been looking for... What is that that conditions you but that you adore so much?  What is that which you adore, but that you suppress?  What is that which you suppress but frees you? What is it that frees you, but that condemns you?  What is that which condemns you but which you love?  What is that which you love but you deny?" from the spanish language movie, Gordos.

I leave you the trailer of the movie:

Think about's kinda true

Here you can see the scene where the quote was taken from:


There is someone in my life who has the ability to affect my mood.  He can make me the happiest person in the world and then bring me crashing right back down to Earth.  I hate that he can do that.  And although I've been seriously trying to "revoke" this power of his, it's a hard thing to do.  There is nothing worse than having the person who you love, love you back and refusing to, impeding the two of you to b together, all because he had a bad experience in the past.  But, hey buddy, buck up!  We all have been hurt!  Why should I pay for a crime I didn't commit?

Speaking of paying for crimes you didn't commit, did any of you listen or read about Troy Davis?  He was executed yesterday for the homicide of a cop years ago.  The thing is that apparently evidence arose that brought a reasonable doubt about his culpability.  Lots of people rallied to get a pardon, but after several delays, it didn't happen.  I can't tell you more about it, because this is all I had time to find out.  Do you guys know anything else?  Are you for or against the death penalty?  I am strongly against. An eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind.  That's what I think.  In my eyes, the death penalty makes the justice system into an organized murder system.

Writing about Troy Davis has made me think about several other things.  Getting another person out of my mind for a while.  It also puts things in perspective, there are people who have it way worse and eventually this too shall pass.  This reminds me of a scene in Bridget Jones Diary 2: The Edge of Reason, where she realizes that Mr. Darcy isn't as bad a boyfriend as she thought.  Here you have, fr your viewing pleasure:
Isn't technology great?  The way we can communicate?  The fact that there is a place where apparently every piece of video ever made exists for us to watch whenever we want to?  I just blew your mind off! hahaha!! LOL!

Turns out that life and how we experience it is all based on perspective.  I have written this before, but in other words.  So, it does depend on seeing the glass half full or half empty.

Kenny Chesney - You And Tequila ft. Grace Potter

Just because it's true

lunes, 19 de septiembre de 2011

LMFAO - Sexy and I Know It

This is today's video of the day!! Very funny!!

Old Habits

Have you ever realized how easy it is to fall back into old habits?  The thing is that most of these habits were left behind for a reason, they tend to be bad for you.  That is my case, I have this guy in my life, who I swear is the love of my life, and because of that, I have suffered because of him more than I had suffered before in my life.  We (him and I) have this tendency of being hot and heavy for a few weeks and then he slowly gets lost and creates space between us and then disappears, this is when I get sad and pathetic; after a while a begin to be fine and then he reappears and I receive him with open arms.  And then, I fall back into the habit.

Falling back into old habits is easy.  I believe this is because it is known territory and it's comfortable. And although we all know change (as well as shit) happens, we kind of resist to it (at a subconscious level maybe?).  A way to resist to it is by keeping things the same, or going to what we know.  Enter old habits.

Should I consider him an old habit and me receiving him back as me falling back into them or should I blame it on wishful thinking and blind optimism? I am a law student, I have a bachelor's on psychology and I love to argue.  SO I can make a strong case for either one of those options.  I kind of think that it's a gray area and falls somewhere between both options.  I wish and hope that WE will work eventually and because of this I allow things to go the way they do, because that is how I can keep him in my life.

Old is known and known is comfortable as comfortable is easy (even when it's bad for you, cause you kow how to deal with it).

This reminds me of a song by Christina Aguilera...

viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011


     Lately I've been thinking a lot.  Sometimes it does me more bad than good.  But these days I've been pondering about happiness, love, relationships and life.  In the words of the unmistakeable Marty McFly, "that's heavy"; I know.
    Most of us think that we've been in love, turns out most of us are wrong. I had several boyfriends before, and each time I thought I was in love,  Then, exactly a year ago I met someone who turned out to be a game changer.  Under weird circumstances and what I believe was destiny/God/fate, I fell in love and I realized I had never before been in love.  By game changer, I mean life changer.  Life is like a game.  We play according to a set of rules we ink we know by heart, and then it goes and changes.  The thing is we have to keep playing.
      I have learned that we are responsible for our happiness.  We should never make anyone or anything else besides ourselves be responsible for it.  Because in the long run things disappear and people come and go, and if we had made one of those things or one of those people responsible for our happiness, they might just as easily take it along with them.   But we ourselves are always gonna be by ourselves sides.  It all depends on the way we react to things.   I know all of this is easier said than done.  But as in most games, practice makes perfect.   And thats the way I have decided to live my life.
      Suddenly, the book, Tuesdays With Morrie came to my mind,  I read that book on my first yea r of college, fr my ENglish class.  TUrns out I loved it and that in this last year I have found myself thinking abut it a lot.  It has helped me change my outlook on life a lot and get over a lot of things.  It's a god read, I recommend it.
      I just noticed it's Friday (insert Rebbeca Black's song here....hahaha!!), so I'll get deeply into what I've mentioned above later.  And as a song by Train says "as long as we've got time, this ain't goodbye".

So, I found this and really liked it.. thought I should share

martes, 13 de septiembre de 2011

This song goes out to someone special...

I just came to say hello!

Martin Solveig & Dragonette - Hello (Official Music Video) [HD]

Such is life


Turns out that I have ALWAYS loved to write, it has always come ind of easily to me.  But I've always been kind of skeptical about creating a blog of my own.  It made me feel kind of vulnerable against the universe to expose all of me (since everything I write comes from within me, in some way or another I AM  exposing myself to you) to anyone who's willing to read.

I believe that writing is therapeutic.  Life is hard and (cliche alert!!!) and it makes for a roller coaster of emotions and events and things, it's hard to explain... but sometimes it feels like some therapy indeed is necessary.  Most of the time music is my therapy.  Life without music, to me, is unimaginable.  TV and movies help a lot too.  Reading is also a great one, one I can't indulge in as often as I want because of the time factor but still...  If reading helps me, it helps somebody else.  So this blog is an attempt for me to familiarize myself with you.  I'm an average girl leading with life.  Writing helps me deal with it, I hope reading it helps you.  You can also write to me, I love to read :)

I'm in love with music.  I'm a law student, I have a bachelor's on Psychology and I plan to get my masters and doctorate eventually.

What to expect from this blog?  Well, you can expect to read about my life, about music, movies, tv, current can expect everything and anything.  I'm not making any promises.  Some posts are gonna be long (like this one) some are gonna be short.  I'm  gonna try to post as often as possible.  Also, I'm gonna try to star a song/video of the day thing.  That song maybe stuck in my head for no reason, maybe it's the theme song of that day, it may express the way I feel or it may be a message to a certain specific someone.

Let's share life...  :D