viernes, 16 de septiembre de 2011


     Lately I've been thinking a lot.  Sometimes it does me more bad than good.  But these days I've been pondering about happiness, love, relationships and life.  In the words of the unmistakeable Marty McFly, "that's heavy"; I know.
    Most of us think that we've been in love, turns out most of us are wrong. I had several boyfriends before, and each time I thought I was in love,  Then, exactly a year ago I met someone who turned out to be a game changer.  Under weird circumstances and what I believe was destiny/God/fate, I fell in love and I realized I had never before been in love.  By game changer, I mean life changer.  Life is like a game.  We play according to a set of rules we ink we know by heart, and then it goes and changes.  The thing is we have to keep playing.
      I have learned that we are responsible for our happiness.  We should never make anyone or anything else besides ourselves be responsible for it.  Because in the long run things disappear and people come and go, and if we had made one of those things or one of those people responsible for our happiness, they might just as easily take it along with them.   But we ourselves are always gonna be by ourselves sides.  It all depends on the way we react to things.   I know all of this is easier said than done.  But as in most games, practice makes perfect.   And thats the way I have decided to live my life.
      Suddenly, the book, Tuesdays With Morrie came to my mind,  I read that book on my first yea r of college, fr my ENglish class.  TUrns out I loved it and that in this last year I have found myself thinking abut it a lot.  It has helped me change my outlook on life a lot and get over a lot of things.  It's a god read, I recommend it.
      I just noticed it's Friday (insert Rebbeca Black's song here....hahaha!!), so I'll get deeply into what I've mentioned above later.  And as a song by Train says "as long as we've got time, this ain't goodbye".

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