lunes, 10 de octubre de 2011


There are people in this world who live in fear.  That is no way to live.  And I mean different types of fear.  Did you know that your fear can hurt someone else?  Currently I'm going through a situation (as you may have noticed from my song selections for Song of the Day these past days), in a nutshell, I am in love with a guy who is in love with me but is afraid to make it official.  His being afraid and indecisive hurts me in many many levels.  I try to live my life without letting fear keep me from doing things.  Sometimes you need to take a risk, take a chance, jump.  And as one of my go to singer-songwriters, Taylor Swift, has defined it, that is what being fearless is about.  There is no way not to experience fear, ever; but you can use it as inspiration or you can let it hold you back.  I choose not to let it hold me back.  and yes, I've been hurt because of this, but also because of it I've experienced extreme happiness.

Happiness is but a moment, and moments are fleeting.  So, take a chance and cherish that moment, cause all moments pass.

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